Cail Trade and Invest offers expertise in the sourcing and sale of petroleum products

How we can help

Cail Trade and Invest identifies a niche in the market to match activities along the energy supply chain

Our Services

Fuel Sourcing

Cail Trade and Invest holds long-term allocation contracts from the key-producing countries as well as by traditional short and medium-term purchase agreements.

Boutique Sourcing

Cail Trade and Invest often operates as an intermediary in the supply chain, bringing all parties together. Our expertise in contract negotiation and finance enables us to provide a tailored solution to our client needs.


With current market uncertainty, more and more clients need a trusted advisor to help them navigate their way forward in fuel sourcing. We can help mitigate your risk and assist with contract negotiation.

Our Products

Jet A-1 Fuel

EN 590

Crude Oil

Our Team

Cail Trade and Invest brings a wealth of knowledge and many years of experience from our diverse team

Let’s Work Together